第 1185 期 圖片資訊

經濟系熊貓講座 Ariel Pakes
The Department of Economics invites Professor Ariel Pakes to serve as the Clement and Carrie Chair

經濟系主任陳炤良(左3)與Airel Pakes教授(左2)交換兩校錦旗,左起為經濟系教授兼稽核長林彥伶、商管學院院長楊立人、經濟系助理教授林朕陞。(攝影/陳奕良)

Department Chair of Economics, Dr. Chao-Liang Chen (3rd from left), and Professor Ariel Pakes (2nd from left) exchange school banners. From left to right: Economics Professor and Chief Audit Executive Yen-Ling Lin, Dean of the College of Business and Management Li-Ren Yang, and Assistant Professor of Economics Chen-Sheng Lin.

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  • 更新日期:2025-02-16 19:58:44
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