第 1187 期 圖片資訊

黃秀玲捐2000萬設置現代保險獎學金 首屆張芳瑜等5生各獲20萬
Shiu-Ling Huang Donates 20 Million to Establish RMi Scholarship: First Recipients, Including Fang-Yu Chang, Each Awarded 200,000


Former and current Department Chairs of the Department of Risk Management and Insurance, Dr. Jyun-Ji Tien (1st from the right) and Dr. Chia-Ling Ho (4th from the right), along with Associate Professor Chung-Jen Hao (1st from the left), posed for a group photo with the scholarship recipients at the award ceremony.

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  • 更新日期:2025-01-24 21:32:50
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