第 1196 期 圖片資訊

U.S. State Department Official Visits Campus to Observe High School Students' Chinese Language Learning

美國國務院教育文化事務局主任Michele Peters(右3),與美國理事會語言計畫副總裁Dr. Brian Gibson(右5)蒞校拜訪,並致贈本校感謝函,由國際事務副校長陳小雀(右4)代表接受。(圖/華語中心提供)

Michele Peters (third from right), Director of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and Dr. Brian Gibson (fifth from right), Vice President of Language Programs at American Councils, visited Tamkang University and presented a letter of appreciation. Vice President for International Affairs, Prof. Hsiao-Chuan Chen (fourth from right) accepted the letter on behalf of the university.

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  • 更新日期:2025-01-22 22:16:38
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