第 624 期 圖片資訊

Founder, Dr. Clement Chang (4th from the left, the front row), and TKU President, Dr. Flora Chang (3rd from the left, the front row) accompanied TKU’s dignitaries to meet with President Chen Shui-bian on November 8th. Dr. Wilhelm, the President of Charles University in Prague (1st from the right, the back row) made a speech of gratitude on behalf of everyone. Several photographs were taken during this occasions (Photos provided by the Presidential Office.)

Founder, Dr. Clement Chang (4th from the left, the front row), and TKU President, Dr. Flora Chang (3rd from the left, the front row) accompanied TKU’s dignitaries to meet with President Chen Shui-bian on November 8th. Dr. Wilhelm, the President of Charles University in Prague (1st from the right, the back row) made a speech of gratitude on behalf of everyone. Several photographs were taken during this occasions (Photos provided by the Presidential Office.)

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  • 管理者:潘劭愷 / 建置單位:淡江大學資訊處
  • 更新日期:2024-10-19 20:09:06
  • 線上人數:2851