第 934 期 圖片資訊

Cvilux and TKU Work Together to Market Products


Tamkang University and Cvilux promoted the Academic-industry Product Sales Conference last Thursday. Afterwards Vice President of Administration, Po-yuan Kao (fourth on the left), Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Sinn-cheng Lin (third on the left), Dean of the Office of Research and Development, Shung-wen Kang (fifth on the right, Dean of the Department of the Mass Communication, Huei-chun Chi (second on the left), Assistant Professor Jian-zhou Shi (first on the left) and President of the Board of Cvilux, Chaoqun Yang (fifth on the left) take a group photo. (Photo taken by Guang-qun Luo)

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  • 更新日期:2024-10-05 12:31:52
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