第 955 期 圖片資訊

香港高校來訪 讚譽國際環境
Hong Kong Academic Alliance Visits TKU(Honored Guests Tour Lanyang Campus)


On December 30th the Hong Kong Taiwan Junior High and Higher Learning Exchange took place on Lanyang Campus.Dean of Lanyang Campus, Jyh-horng Lin, and directors of various departments gave the honored guests a tour of the campus’ unique and intriguing scenery.(Picture provided by Lanyang Campus)

11.82 MB , 6001 * 3377 | 點閱:1095 | 申請圖片 | 分類: 訪視來訪教職員工蘭陽校園

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  • 更新日期:2025-01-13 15:07:08
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