第 812 期 圖片資訊

猛男巫婆白雪公主 為歲末聯歡掀高潮
An Action-packed Chinese New Year Gala

99年度歲末聯歡由體育室、軍訓室主辦,表演活動精彩逗趣,猛男秀更是教大家驚叫聲不斷,所有教職員工陷入瘋狂,全場high翻天。 (攝影/ 梁琮閔、林奕宏)

The Tamkang End-of-Year Gala featured various performances, including a PG-rated male strip show, which sent the crowd into a wild frenzy.

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  • 更新日期:2024-07-26 17:51:40
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