資傳一蔡昀芮是許多女同學的偶像,「女生都說我很酷,男生則說不敢惹我!」在體表會中馬尾短裙配上超殺的拳打動作,讓不少男生打聽她的消息,害羞的她直說,「練跆拳比跟男生說話更輕鬆自在。」想要認識她,還是先練好跆拳當她的對手吧! (攝影/湯琮詰)
Department of Information and Communication student, Tsai Yun-rui, with her deft martial arts moves, has become somewhat of an idol among female students at TKU. Despite her timid nature, she is also popular among the male students: “I feel much more comfortable practicing Tae Kwon Do than speaking to guys”.