【Reported by Ying-zhen Lu, Tamkang Times】The National Formosa University hosted the “2014 National Finance and Economic Analysis Competition.” Tamkang University was represented in the competition by a team that emphasized and pointed out the poor American policies on currency and the effect it has globally. Competing on this TKU team was fourth-year student from the Department of Finance, Kai-wen Zheng, fourth year student from the Department of International Business Management, Shan-ru Lin, and alumni from the Department of International Business Management, Bei-wen Zhou. They competed against 21 different teams from universities such as National Taiwan University, National Tsing Hua University, and National Cheng Kung University. They took first place in the Junior College competition and will be rewarded 30,000 NT at the award ceremony taking place on April 28th.
導讀 翁明賢/國際事務與戰略研究所教授 自有人類歷史來,「安全」是國家追求的核心利益。而全球化時代,國家面臨不僅個別傳統安全威脅挑戰,區域衝突也是國家的重大生存課題。在「中國崛起」與「美國重返亞太」兩個全球權力結構交互制約,加上,近年持續發展的東海與南海的島嶼主權衝突,臺灣如何提出符合國家利益的戰略與政策因應之道,在上述問題意識的主導下,《戰略安全:理論建構與政策研析》因應而生。 該書共收錄15篇專論,在理論方面,有4篇屬於安全研究理論領域,提供讀者理解當代國家安全研究的理解與分析架構;其...
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