“Dangerous! Don’t take such a matter to heart.” Oh, don’t be mistaken, she doesn’t intent to commit suicide. Last Wednesday (May 25), Tamkang University was practicing the annual Fire Prevention Drill, a training course conducted by military drillmasters and cooperated with Danhsui firefighters that aimed to educate the school’s faculty and students to learn how to survive in the emergency of fire. The annual training course includes escaping skills from smoke, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the use of fire extinguisher, the use of sprayer, and Heimlich maneuver. Military drillmaster Major Haung, who is in charge of this event, expressed that he hoped that students would learn things from this drill in order to stay calm and be able to escape quickly when a similar incident occurs in the future. (~ Yu-lin Lee )
| 更新時間:2010-09-27
| 點閱:1972
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