英文電子報 2007-09-17


The 2007 school year orientation ceremony for all new graduate and undergraduate students was held last Tuesday and Wednesday (September 11, 12), at Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium. President C. I. Chang encouraged the students to embracethe TKU’s Triple Objectives, and strive to be the leaders in the age of globalization.

Before the ceremony, President Chang led three vice presidents, educational and administrative staffs, and 7, 794 new students, including undergraduates, master and Ph. D. graduates, to climb the 132-step Overcoming Difficulty Slope, initiating the journey of learning in Five-tiger Hill. “The Hill-hiking Ceremony” is a very special TKU tradition for blessing the new students. Yia-ching Pai, freshman of Dept. of Germany, remarked cheerfully, “It is an unusual feeling to complete the hill-hiking, and I wish to experience a fruitful college life from now on.”

In the ceremony, President Chang pointed out that “many students regard entering a university as the end of learning. In fact, it is only a beginning.” She encouraged the new students to adapt themselves to TKU’s learning platforms of Globalization, Information-oriented Education ,and Future-oriented Education, and to catch the chance of junior abroad studies by bracing their foreign language ability. Dr. Huan-chao Keh, Dean of Academic Affairs, reminded the students not to forget their school works while enjoying colorful college life, since the drop-out rate remains more than 100 students per semester averagely. Cheng, a first year graduate of the Graduate Institute of South Eastern Asia Studies, indicated, “I am impressed by the gorgeous and well-facilitated library and gymnasium, which empower my faith in my new learning journey.” (~ Chen Chi-szu )

NO.686 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:2102 | 下載:

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