英文電子報 2011-03-14

The Flexible Subsidy Initiative

In response to the Ministry of Education’s Flexible Subsidy Plan, Tamkang itself implemented a Flexible Subsidy Initiative, which took effect Feb. 1, 2011. Dr. York W. Chen, a newly arrived assistant professor at the TKU Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, commented that “the Flexible Study Initiative is great. It encourages scholars to be proactive”.

For the list of incentives offered under the scheme, please click on the diagram to the left. For more detailed information, please refer to the TKU human resources website at http://www2.tku.edu.tw/~ap/rules_2.htm.

NO.813 | 更新時間:2011-03-14 | 點閱:2339 | 下載:

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