英文電子報 2011-04-27

A Spring Camp in Beijing

On the 2nd of April, TKU Department of Russian Associate Professor, Su Shwu-Yann, lead 43 TKU foreign language students to attend the Beijing Foreign Language Spring Camp in Beijing, China. By taking part in the camp, they joined over 300 students from 8 major Taiwanese universities, including National Taiwan University and National Taiwan Normal University. The Dean of the College of Foreign Language and Literature, Dr. Sung Mei-hwa, said that given the significance of obtaining a more international perspective, she was delighted that students from five TKU foreign language departments attended the event. The camp was held from April 2-9, during which time students experienced the teaching style and class format in Mainland Chinese universities, attended cultural lectures and a cross-strait student conference. They also visited the Great Wall of China, the Summer Palace, the Imperial Palace, and the Beijing National Stadium (the “Bird’s Nest”).

NO.820 | 更新時間:2011-04-27 | 點閱:2127 | 下載:

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