全民英檢秘笈 2011-05-23




1. 插頭 plug(n.v.)

2. 吹風機 hair dryer

3. 吸塵器 vacuum cleaner

4. 掃把 broom

5. 長褲 pants

6. 熨斗 iron(n. v.)

7. 劫機 hijack(v.v.)

8. 劫機者 hijacker

9. 機師(開飛機的)pilot

10. 空服員(男女皆可)flight attendant

11. 時差 jetlag(n.v.)

12. 暈機 airsick(adj.)

13. 副修 minor(n.v.)

14. 大眾傳播 mass communication

15. 智商 IQ(Intelligence Quotient)

16. 情緒指數 EQ(Emotional Intelligence


17. 逆境指數 AQ(Adversity Quotient)

18. 創意指數 CQ(Creativity Quotient)


1. 請幫我把吹風機的插頭插上。

Please _______ _______ the _______ _______ for me.

2. 吸塵器壞了,用掃把吧!

The _______ _______ is broken. Use the _______.

3. 這一條褲子皺巴巴的,燙一燙吧!

_______ pants are _______. Iron _______.

4. 劫機者被抓了!

The _______ has been _______.

5. 許多機師和空服員都飽受時差之苦。

Many _______ and _______ _______ suffer from _______.

6. 你會暈機嗎?

Do you _______ _______?

7. 我主修德文,副修大傳。

I _______ in _______ and _______ in _______ _______.

8. 我們的智商、情緒、應對逆境的能力,以及創意智商都重要!

_______, _______, _______, and _______ are all important!

9. IQ代表智商,EQ代表情緒智商。

IQ represents _______ _______ and EQ _______ _______ _______.

10. AQ代表逆境指數,CQ代表創意指數。

AQ _______ _______ _______ and CQ _______ _______.


1. plug in, hair dryer

2. vacuum cleaner, broom

3. These, wrinkled, them

4. hijacker, arrested

5. pilots, flight attendants, jetlag

6. get airsick

7. major, German, minor, mass communication

8. IQ , EQ , AQ , CQ

9. Intelligence Quotient, Emotional Intelligence Quotient

10. represents Adversity Quotient, Creativity Quotient

NO.825 | 更新時間:2011-05-23 | 點閱:1995 | 下載:

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