英文電子報 2003-06-09


Tamkang University (TKU) President Chang Horng-jinh exhorted graduates to step forward bravely and said that the graduation is not the ending but just a beginning.

Chang made these remarks while making address at the diploma and award presentation ceremony held at the University Commons last Friday. Chang went on saying that four years ago you encountered Sept. 21, 1999 killer earthquake killing about 2,000 people when you came into TKU and four years later you also encountered SARS when you graduated from TKU. “Your coming and going are full of earthshaking and great men will always hide among you,” Chang said.

TKU Founder Dr. Clement C. P. Chang said that whether the era shapes the hero or the hero creates the era? It is a question that needs us to seek the answer. Our school was founded 52 years ago. We will make our best efforts to accomplish the goal.

A total of 7,671 graduates, including 31 Ph.D.s, 760 masters and 6,880 undergraduates, will graduate from TKU this academic year. Graduates of doctoral program will receive the diploma in person from the President. The President also conferred citations such as Chairperson of Board of Trustees, Academic Achievement, Behavior, Physical Education and Services Award.

Hsu Shih-suan, senior of Department of Electrical Engineering, said that though there would be no commencement ceremony for the graduates, the outdoor diploma and award presentation ceremony and other related activities were very good. Chen Mei-lien, senior of Department of Chinese, said that the atmosphere of the outdoor ceremony is very active.

The ceremony lowered its curtain amid beautiful sounds of chorus and orchestra accompaniment. Colorful balloons rose up slowly to the sky and teachers waved their farewell to the graduates indicating that they will leave the campus under the teachers’ blessing. Graduates wearing graduate gowns with fresh flowers in their hands posed to be taken photos for the commemoration. Only happiness and no tears left after them.

The ceremony live is relayed in live from the beginning to the end. Students and parents unable to attend the ceremony can log on to the home page of TKU website.

NO.541 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1649 | 下載:

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