學校要聞 2012-10-08

Mid-Autumn Festival Fever Hits Lanyang

On the evening of September 26, the TKU Lanyang Campus held its annual Mid-Autumn Festival celebration. Attended by close to 600 students, teachers and staff, the event was a dinner under the stars with music, conversation, and a spectacular view of the Yilan nightline. Not only was the evening a celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival, it was also a welcome-back dinner for students who recently returned from their junior year abroad.

The Dean of the College of Global Entrepreneurial Development, Dr. Andy Liou Ay-Hwa, said that through holding the event TKU hopes to bring students and faculty closer together and have a great time on Mid-Autumn Festival.

NO.869 | 更新時間:2012-10-08 | 點閱:1552 | 下載:

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