學校要聞 2012-10-17

Celebrating Five Decades of Spanish / Latino Culture

On October 2, the Department of Spanish held the “Spanish and Latin American Ceramic Art Exhibition”. The exhibition displayed ceramic art from the identically named cities of Cueuca in Spain and Ecuador.

As part of the celebration, the Spanish Department also held a film display and two special lectures. The topics of the lectures were “Love and Flamenco Art” and “Film, History, and Society”. Each lecture was attended by around 40 students. Department of Spanish master’s student, Chang Fu-ru, explained that the lectures helped her to better understand the cultural background of the movies presented. She said that “in future, if there are similar lectures held, I will definitely be there”.

NO.870 | 更新時間:2012-10-17 | 點閱:1480 | 下載:

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