學校要聞 2012-10-17


On the evening of Oct. 4 at the Chinese Palace-Style Classrooms, Tamsui Campus, TKU held a large-scale party to celebrate Oktoberfest. The event attracted 300 guests and featured all-you-can-drink German beer, German snacks (sausages, cakes, pretzels), and traditional German-style music. It also featured a performance from the TKU Magic Club, a balloon-popping competition, a drinking competition, and a raffle.

One of the raffle winners, Wang Chung-Wen, said “I’m so happy to have been a part of this. I loved the drinking competition, it was really exciting. I’d love to take part again and I feel really lucky to have won the raffle”.

NO.870 | 更新時間:2012-10-17 | 點閱:1345 | 下載:

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