學校要聞 2013-05-28

Unprecedented Generosity by TKU Almunus, Hsu Hang-Chien

Over the last 17 years, alumnus Hsu Hang-Chien, from the Department of Management Science, has given generously to his alma mater, TKU. But his recent offering has lifted his largess to a new level. He has decided to pump a staggering NT $120 million (approx. US $4 million) over the next five years into the construction of the proposed TKU International Conference Center. To formalize the donation, a signing ceremony was held at 3:30pm at the Chueh Sheng International Conference Hall, Tamsui Campus.

The President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, expressed heartfelt thanks to Hsu, whose donation has galvanized Tamkang’s fundraising drive, jolting it forward toward the final mark of NT $300 million. She said that “Mr. Hsu’s support means a great deal to us. We plan to use these funds to continue improving the education provided at TKU, and we hope that it creates a ripple effect that prompts other alumni to give generously”.

TKU previously announced that anyone who donates over NT $100 million will be granted naming rights for the Center. The Center will therefore be named the Shou Chien International Conference Center, after Hsu’s father.

NO.896 | 更新時間:2013-05-28 | 點閱:1407 | 下載:

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