學聲大代誌 2014-11-25

International Boy Scout Exchange in Japan

【Reported by Qi-zhuo, Tamkang Times】Happy 90th Anniversary to Meiji University’s Boy Scout Troop! Director of Tamkang University’s Boy Scout Troup, Wen-Chih Huang, lead a group of three students to Japan for a visit with the sister school from November 1st to the 4th. Director Huang stated, “This trip was a celebration that allowed our two universities to really strengthen our ties. When the earthquake of 2011 happened, we donated funds to help the school in a time of need. That incident lead to us becoming sister schools in 2013.” Third-year student of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Bo-lin Liu, stated, “It’s such an honor to participate in this event! This is a great time to test our our language skills for a very meaningful and excited time.” (Article from http://tkutimes.tku.edu.tw/)

NO.947 | 更新時間:2014-11-25 | 點閱:831 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-07-26 17:51:40
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