學校要聞 2022-10-16


【記者麥嘉儀淡水校園報導】尖端材料科學學程助理教授王孝祖,擔任共同作者之學術論文「A single-atom library for guided monometallic and concentration-complex multimetallic designs 單金屬與不同複合濃度多金屬之單原子合成方法」,獲SCI國際知名期刊《Nature Materials》刊登,影響因子47.7。另一篇擔任共同第一作者之「Bandgap Shrinkage and Charge Transfer in 2D Layered SnS2 Doped with V for Photocatalytic Efficiency Improvement 釩參雜產生二維材料二硫化錫的能隙收縮及電荷轉移來提升光催化效率」,於去年年底刊登《Small》期刊,影響因子15.2,兩篇論文皆在科學界具有非常大的影響力。

本校物理系學、碩士校友王孝祖,為國立清華大學物理博士,師事物理系講座教授彭維鋒及物理系校友、前東華大學校長,中研院院士吳茂昆,與許多國際研究團隊合作。他表示,《Nature Materials》該篇論文合作學者,包括中國科學院學者、美國爾灣大學教授Huolin L. Xin,還有加拿大、美國、臺灣等學者,《Small》該篇則與印度、南非學者合作。



Assistant Professor Hsiao-Tsu Wang of the Bachelor's Program in Advanced Materials Science, is co-author of "A single-atom library for guided monometallic and concentration-complex multimetallic designs, " published on the famous SCI academic journal 《Nature Materials》with an impact factor of 47.7. Also, he is another co-first author of "Bandgap shrinkage and charge transfer in 2D layered SnS2 doped with V for photocatalytic efficiency improvement ", this paper was published on the SCI journal《Small》at the end of last year, with an impact factor of 15.2. Both papers have a very significant contribution to the scientific community.

Hsiao-Tsu Wang is an alumnus of the Department of Physics at our school. He obtained a Ph.D. in Physics from National Tsinghua University, and was advised by Way-Faung Pong (Chair Professor of the Department of Physics, TKU), and Academician Maw-Kuen Wu (an alumnus of the Department of Physics, TKU and former President of Donghua University). He has cooperated with many international research groups. He said that the co-authors of the paper "Nature Materials", include a scholar of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Huolin L. Xin at the University of Irvine in the United States, as well as scholars of Canada, United States, and Taiwan, and the "Small" paper cooperated with India and South Africa groups.

關鍵字 #尖端材料科學學士學位學程 #王孝祖 #學術論文 #國際期刊

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