Campus focus 2022-11-01

Yi-Ting Huang Overturns Study with Integrated Innovative Teaching

Center for Teacher Professional Development held Innovative Teaching Lecture on October 7th. During the activity, Associate Professor Yi-Ting Huang from the Department of Interaction Design, National Taipei University of Technology was invited to deliver a speech on “Our Students are Our Coaches – Course Design Inspires the ability of Innovative Thinking and Putting forward Proposals”. More than 30 teachers were present.

Yi-Ting Huang stated that her teaching idea is integrating design into humanistic care. Teachers should get rid of the concept that designs and works are only for aesthetic appreciation and winning awards, and train students with the ability of defining questions and resolving complicated problems in classes. Regarding course targets, she applies various methods such as student-centered pedagogy, problem-based learning, training of interdisciplinary design thinking, and peer assessment and support in groups. Through these methods, teachers will be able to improve students’ people-oriented user empathy, mutual aid and coordination in design teamwork, as well as integration of marketing and management in knowledge-action integration. Students are expected to learn with much ease.

Integrated innovative teaching is the key point for overturning study, while the challenges and feedback of activities bind teachers and students closer. As Yi-Ting Huang emphasized, creating a mutually supportive learning environment, interdisciplinary professional experiential learning includes inviting industry insiders to introduce the themes of proposals. Abstract concepts learnt through real experience. Design thinking periodically trains students with the ability of problem thinking and resolving by inspiration, thinking, execution and communication. PBL means cross-group thinking between consumer and venture capital to induces learning motivation, which help students to incorporate and present across-domains business proposals.


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