Campus focus 2022-12-05

Intelligent Living Space Design Competition, Jia-Hua Weng & Tsai-Xian Shao’s Cooperation Won Gold Award

“Emotion Sport-Emotion Conversion Sport Station” (Emotion Sport情緒轉換運動站), collaboratively designed by Jia-Hua Weng, a 5th-year student from Department of Architecture and Tsai-Xian Shao, a 2nd-year student from Graduate Institute of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was awarded the gold medal of Creative Fantasy from the 15th Intelligent Living Space Design Competition. The theme of the competition was “Creative Fantasy, Future Nest”(創意狂想 巢向未來). The organizer of the competition, Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior, held the awarding ceremony & work sharing session on November 16th. The two students were awarded NT$ 60,000, and their advisor, associate professor Yi-Cheng Lai was awarded NT$ 5000. They were also awarded a certificate of merit for each and a trophy.

The entries of the competition were categorized into the group of “Creative Fantasy” which focused on creative concept design, and the group of “Future Nest”, which includes practical cases from the industry. 20 entries from both groups were awarded. The “Creative Fantasy” group asked for concept design with creative solution or operation service mode that meet future need. The work of the two students, Emotion Sport-Emotion Conversion Sport Station, is based on Huashan Art & Culture Park. The Emotion Sport, as a combination of brainwave emotion technology and automatic control system, detects human emotion to provide the most suitable sports and space. By means of changing the shape of the space and regulating the windows in it, it adjusts the space atmosphere to help user convert emotion and improve their sport effectiveness and interactivity.

Tsai-Xian Shao was responsible for the program design and control of Emotion Sport. Controlling the building by detecting human emotion with electroencephalograph (EEG) is a futuristic design concept, which was inspired by the course of Dr. Yi-Cheng Lai “Let the Building Move”. He believes that a bigger reward than the gold award is the inspiration gained from discussions and sharing of thoughts and ideas from different professional fields during their interdisciplinary collaboration.

Dr. Yi-Cheng Lai mentioned the main reasons that the work was awarded: interdisciplinary collaboration, high challenge of EEG design and the practicability of the work. In the past, Tamkang students often obtained awards in design competitions outside the university. Therefore, when planning courses in each semester, he hopes to teach students some fundamental design skills. If students are confident in their design works in class, receive satisfactory comments on their design, they will proactively submit their works to competitions.

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NO.1154 | 更新時間:2022-12-05 | 點閱:663 | 下載:

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