Campus focus 2023-10-17

Reenacting the Lanyang Freshman Opening Ceremony - Toast at the High Table Dinner in Tamsui

After several years of suspension due to the pandemic, the “High Table Dinner" of the Center for Holistic Education made a comeback as the departments and offices on Lanyang campus returned to the Tamsui campus. The event took place at 5:45 PM on October 4th in the Student Activity Center. The attendees included several senior supervisors such as Vice President for Academic Affairs Hui-Huang Hsu, Vice President for Administrative Affairs Chun-Hung Lin, and Vice President of International Affairs Hsiao-Chuan Chen. Additionally, it was attended by the Executive Secretary of the Center for Holistic Education and Dean of the College of International Studies, Dr. Cheng-Hao Bao, Director of International Affairs Chien-Mu Yeh, Dean of Student Affairs Shih-Jung Wu, chairs of the departments of International Tourism Management, Global Politics and Economics, Computer Science and Information Engineering, and English, and 23 full-time faculty members, making a total of nearly 320 students and teachers present at the event.

The "High Table Dinner" originates from the traditional long-table dining at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge in the United Kingdom. The "high table" refers to the exclusive dining table set aside in the university dining halls for esteemed professors and scholars, typically elevated higher than the regular student dining tables, hence the name. This event, organized for the Center for Holistic Education's first-year students, continues the Lanyang tradition. All participants are required to wear formal attire, and before the event begins, there is an explanation of dining etiquette by Dr. Shu-Chuan Chen, the chair of the International Tourism Management Department. To facilitate interaction among students and teachers in a traditional formal social setting, students were arranged at the main table, and teachers at the student tables, in line with the purpose of the High Table Dinner.

During his speech, Dr. Hui-Huang Hsu stated, "The Center for Holistic Education is distinct from other colleges, featuring all-English instruction, all junior abroad, and all-boarding atmosphere. It also attracts numerous international students to enroll. All of these contribute to creating an international environment for students to experience a rich global atmosphere." He also encouraged everyone to participate in various activities during their time at school and engage in cultural exchanges with classmates from around the world. He emphasized that by overcoming language barriers, students can gain valuable learning experiences.


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NO.1170 | 更新時間:2023-10-17 | 點閱:382 | 下載:

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