趨勢巨流河 2023-11-26


1.HOTPOINT’s fully automatic washing machine can save you time and energy while delivering the best performance _____.

(A) imagining (B) imagination (C) imaginable (D) imagined

2.Nora O’Hara and Maria de la Cruz were considered the two favorites for the position, but the board of directors rejected _____ and appointed Emiko Sasaki instead.

(A) everyone (B) all (C) two (D) both

3.Unlike _____ products on the market, SwimSeal ear drops are applied “before” going into the water.

(A) almost (B) most (C) few (D) every

4.Your client will pay the factory workers within 90 days according to the _____ of the invoice.

(A) orders (B) imposition (C) terms (D) promptness

5.The secretary has _____ a list of the best packaging innovations from 2019 for the CEO.

(A) compiled (B) disputed (C) estimated (D) rectified


1.【答案】(C) NOTE:原始句子the best performance that is imaginable省略that is。

2.【答案】(D) NOTE:both是代名詞,指前面那兩位人選。

3.【答案】(B) NOTE:Most = 大多數的、大部分的。

4.【答案】(C) NOTE: (A)訂貨;(B)實施新法;(C)條款;(D)迅速。invoice = 費用清單。

5.【答案】(A) NOTE: (A)收集;(B)爭論;(C)估計;(D)矯正。


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NO.1174 A | 更新時間:2023-11-26 | 點閱:243 | 下載:

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