Campus focus 2024-05-15

Class Representatives Actively Engage in Discussion: Face-to-Face Interaction Between Teachers and Students

On April 25, the Student Affairs Office's Guidance Section held a "Second- and Third-Year Class Representatives Forum" at the Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center, chaired by President Huan-Chao Keh. Vice President for Academic Affairs Hui-Huang Hsu, Vice President for Administrative Affairs Chun-Hung Lin, relevant academic and administrative unit heads, and over a hundred class representatives attended.

President Keh expressed in his speech that both important school matters and students' suggestions are conveyed through class representatives. Therefore, communication channels need to remain open. Heads of various units attend the class representatives' forum, ensuring real-time communication effectiveness. "Feel free to voice any suggestions or opinions about the school. If it falls within the school's responsibility, we will strive to improve immediately."

Class representatives successively raised issues regarding optimizing the information system, campus safety maintenance, and course selection. Members of the Tamkang University Student Parliament (TKUSP) expressed that when students organize activities and need to rent facilities, it's challenging to find the "Price List for Rental and Maintenance of Facilities and Equipment." They hoped that this information could be made publicly available comprehensively. Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Shih-Jung Wu, responded that they would compile information on facility charges from various units and present it on the homepage of the Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section or the Student Affairs website to facilitate student access.

The TKUSP member also expressed the hope of restarting the "Live Video" feature of Tamkang i-Life to facilitate everyone checking the queue for buses. In response, Chief Information Officer Kuei-Ping Shih stated that the technology was not an issue and that they planned to integrate surveillance system information into Tamkang i-Life.

The Tamkang University Student Association (TKUSA) representative reflected that the motorcycle parking spaces at the Five-Tiger-Hill parking lot are too small, and the lanes are narrow. Dean of General Affairs, Dr. Ruey-Shiang Shaw, explained that the parking spaces were designed to be smaller to accommodate more students' parking needs. They will now consider comprehensively addressing the parking issues for students’ heavy motorcycles.

The first-year class representative of the Japanese Graduate Institute inquired whether the school regularly inspects the multimedia equipment in each classroom. Dr. Shih stated that before the start of each semester, colleagues and student workers conduct a comprehensive inspection of the classroom equipment. If any issues arise during everyday use, they can call extensions 2310 or 2311 within the campus, and the Office of Information Affairs will provide immediate assistance. Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Tzong-Ru Tsai, added that the "Repair Reporting" (修繕便利通) feature in “TKU i Life” app has a classroom repair reporting function, and users can also check the records to confirm if the equipment has been repaired. He reminded teachers and students to make good use of this app or call to report, and the school will promptly make improvements.


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NO.1182 | 更新時間:2024-05-15 | 點閱:415 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2025-03-14 10:50:39
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