趨勢巨流河 2024-05-18


1.( )However, the online shopping world has its pitfalls, some of which can a customer’s online shopping experience.

(A) alter

(B)  preserve

(C) maintain

(D) sustain

2.( )If you want to get some regular stamps quickly, use the electronic self-service at your local post office.

(A) stall (B) stop (C) kiosk (D) concession stand

3.( )In an individualistic world, trending beyond one’s four walls and donating for the greater good can help transform lives, and make the world a better place.

(A) increase  (B) increasing (C) increased (D) increasingly

4.( )The health of a smartphone battery can impact its performance and lifespan.

(A)  significantly (B) eligibly (C) regularly (D) only

5.( )It is for users to accept updates promptly to ensure their smartphone remain protected against all kinds of threats.

(A) unnecessary (B) irrelevant (C) imperative (D) automatic


1.【答案】(A),答案解釋:此題考語意,(A)「改變」 (B)「保存」 (C)「維持」 (D)「使持續」句子的原意是: 可是,線上購物有其缺漏隱患,有些會改變買家線上購物的經驗,故A較為適合。

2.【答案】(C),此題考語意,(A)「攤販」 (B)「公車的車站」 (C)「自助服務機器」 (D)「有長型櫃檯賣食物飲料的地方」.句子的原意是: 倘若你想要快速購買一般郵票,可以使用當地郵局的電子自助服務機器,故C較為適合。


4.【答案】(A),語意A較合適 (A) 顯著地 (B) 合宜地,適當地 (C) 有規律地;定期地 (D) 只,僅僅。

5.【答案】(C),語意C較合適 。(A) 不必要的;多餘的 (B) 不相關的,不切題的 (C) 極重要的;緊急的;迫切的 (D) 自動的;自動化的

NO.1183 B | 更新時間:2024-05-18 | 點閱:451 | 下載:

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