國際未來研究聯盟(World Futues Studies Federation)來校進行未來學研究教學機構認證,於起始會議後合影。右起教設系主任鄧建邦、臺灣師範大學歐洲文化與觀光研究所副教授賴嘉玲、認證委員會認證主任委員Dr. Luke Van der Laan、本校未來化委員會主任委員學術副校長許輝煌、教育學院院長陳國華、教設系副教授紀舜傑。(攝影/游寶綸)
The World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) visits Tamkang University for accreditation in future studies. A group photo was taken after the inaugural meeting. From right to left: Chair of the Department of Education and Futures Design, Dr. Jian-Bang Deng; Associate Professor of the Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism at National Taiwan Normal University, Dr. Chia-Ling Lai; Accreditation Committee Director, Dr. Luke Van der Laan; Academic Vice President and Chairman of Tamkang University's Futures Committee, Dr. Hui-Huang Hsu; Dean of the College of Education, Dr. Kuo-Hua Chen; Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Design, Dr. Shun-Jie Ji.