第 1198 期 圖片資訊

【Tamkang Clement and Carrie Chair】Kazuo Asano Urges Higher Education to Cultivate Students' Observational and Listening Skills Beyond AI's Reach


Chairperson Flora Chia-I Chang (left) and Kazuo Asano, the Tamkang Clement and Carrie Chair invited by the Department of Global Politics and Economics, took a group photo in front of the bronze sculpture "Elegantly Toward Tomorrow" (framed in the center-left), a special gift from Eitaro Sato, former chairman of Heisei International University, in 2002.

5.75 MB , 5943 * 3962 | 點閱:79 | 申請圖片 | 分類: 演講學生教職員工淡水校園守謙國際會議中心

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  • 更新日期:2025-01-02 18:14:38
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