第 911 期 圖片資訊

Recognition of Three Major Awards Received by TKU Alumni Groups Unite to Enhance the Capabilities of TKU

校長張家宜(中)與六位金鷹得主,左起順發電腦董事長吳錦昌,教育部資訊及科技教育司司長楊鎮華,臺中教育大學校長 楊思偉,鑼洋科技股份有限公司董事徐航健,上銀科技股份有限公司董事長卓永財,中華數位關懷協會理事長許秀影合影。(攝影/鄧翔)

President Chia-I Chang (Center) 6 Eagle Award Winners, left Chairperson of Sunfar Computer CO., Chin-Chang Wu, Director of the Department of Information and Technology, Prof. Stephen Yang, President of National Taichung University of Education, Prof. Szu-wei Yang, Chairperson of the Taiwan Surface Mounting Technology Corp., Hang-jian Xu, Chairperson of HIWIN Technologies Corp. Eric Y.T. Chou and President of the National Project Management Association, Maggie S.Y. Hsu. (Photograph provided by Teng Hsiang)

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  • 更新日期:2024-04-26 09:19:37
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