浙江省青年企業家交流參訪團於17 日來校座談,張校長(右前六)致贈本校紀念旗,並與浙江省台辦主任裘小玲(右前五)和萬事利集團公司董事局主席屠紅燕(右前七)等人合影。(攝影/吳國禎)
The Zhejiang Young Entrepreneurs Team came to TKU for an exchange on Sept. 17. President Flora Chia-I Chang (front row fifth on the right)) gave them souvenirs as she greeted Director of the Office of Taiwanese Affairs in Zhejiang, Xiao-ling Qiu, and Chairman of the Board of directors of Wensli, Hong-yan Tu (front row seventh on the right). (Photographed by Guo-zhen Wu)