第 977 期 圖片資訊

外交與國際系 未來學所 分析2015英國大選
TKU Analyzes Britain’s Election

外交與國際關係學系暨未來學研究所座談會於6日中午在驚聲大樓T306會議室舉行,由外交與國際系兼任副教授寇大偉以「The 2015 British General election; how Labour blew it and why the clever pollsters blew it too」為題演講,由國際事務副校長戴萬欽主持,國際研究學院院長王高成、外交與國際系系主任鄭欽模、未來學所助理教授Jeanne Hoffman出席與談。 (攝影/吳重毅)

On Oct. 6 professor of the OICSA, David Coates gave a lecture titled, “The 2015 British General election; how Labour blew it and why the clever pollsters blew it too.” Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, Director of the College of International Studies, Kao-cheng Wang and Professor of the Graduate Institute of Future Studies, Jeanne Hoffman were also in attendance. (Photographed by Zhong-yi Wu)

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  • 更新日期:2024-10-23 18:33:05
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