學校要聞 2013-06-08

Voting for New Leaders of the TKU Student Association

The TKU Student Association recently held ballots to select a new president, vice president, and Association representatives. The result of these ballots was released on May 17. And on May 22, a ceremony was held to inaugurate the newly elected leaders.

The ceremony was attended by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Dr. Chiu Jeong-Yeou, and the Section Chief of the Extracurricular Activities Section, Chiang Su-Kuan.

The new leaders came from various departments and graduate institutes, including the Department of Japanese (Chiu Yu-Zhen) and the College of International Studies.

NO.897 | 更新時間:2013-06-08 | 點閱:1447 | 下載:

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