Campus focus 2021-04-20

Jin-Cai Chen Donated Thousands of Boxes of Pineapples, Freshly Cut Compost Reflects Sustainability

The Tamkang University Worldwide Alumni Association President, Jin-Cai Chen feels that the domestic pineapple-producing season is near the corner. To take care of the hard-working farmers and contribute to the alma mater, he offered 1372 boxes of fresh pineapples of the season to the University on April 13th (Tuesday) at 9:30 AM. A pineapple giveaway ceremony was held in the WIN Hall of Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center. President Dr. Huan-Chao Keh, Chairman Dr. Chia-I Chang, Executive Director of Alumni Services and Resources Development Dr. Chun-Young Perng, and other first-level supervisors attended to personally thank the alumni for his generosity and invited faculty and staff to taste.

In response to the goodwill of the alumni, the "Golden Pineapple" free sampling event was held at the Tamsui Campus Food Court at 12:30 PM that day. All teachers and students are welcome to participate. Each individual receives one bag at a time and the offer is valid while supplies last.

At 12:50 PM, the Office of General Affairs cooperated with the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering in particular and invited Professor Sue-Huai Gau to demonstrate the " Golden Pineapple Party"- a DIY demonstration activity of pineapple peel composting, teaching on-site the compost of discarded pineapple peels with handy tools. Recycling waste as resources fulfills the 12th "Responsible Consumption and Production" of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


本報導連結 #SDG11永續城市與社區 #SDG12負責任的消費與生產 #SDG13氣候行動 #SDG15陸域生命 #SDG17夥伴關係

NO.1121 | 更新時間:2021-04-20 | 點閱:864 | 下載:

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