趨勢巨流河 2023-02-19


1. Assistance dogs are trained _____ an individual with a disability.

(A) for assistance (B) to aid (C) helping (D) facilitate

2. Different club members _____ the colors of the uniforms in the competition.

(A) are distinguishing (B) are distinguished by (C) distinguished (D) distinguish

3. Your order will be ready and you can pick it up _____ next week at the convenience store.

(A) as of (B) such as (C) together with (D) according to


1.【答案】(B),NOTE: To+原V,表目的。...to aid=為了幫助。


3.【答案】(A),As of =從~時候開始;as of next week=從下星期開始。


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NO.1158 A | 更新時間:2023-02-19 | 點閱:654 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2025-02-18 23:32:02
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