Campus focus 2023-03-05

NSTC’s Publication Evaluation Subsidy, TKU’s Journal Continues to Achieve Good Results

Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, NSTC recently announced the results of the 2022 Taiwan Humanities and Social Sciences Journal Evaluation and Core Journal Inclusion. The Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, jointly compiled by the Department of Information and Library Science, Chueh Sheng Memorial Library and Publishing Center of TKU, continued to be ranked first in the Education category (including sports and library and information fields) and was included in the “Taiwan Social Science Citation Index” (TSSCI). The “Tamkang Journal of Sports Science,” (《淡江體育學刊》), which is published with self-raised funds by the Office of Physical Education, also continued to be ranked third.

Besides evaluations, several journals of our school have also received subsidies from the research center, including “Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences”, “Journal of Contemporary Accounting” of the Department of Accounting, and “Tamkang Review” of the Department of English, have all received “Digital Distribution and Open Access of Academic Journals” subsidies, which helps to promote the popularization of academic research achievements and academic knowledge, to enhance international competencies and influences; “Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences” and “Tamkang Journal of Chinese Literature” of the Department of Chinese Literature have received “Journal Editing” subsidies, which helps to improve editing quality.


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NO.1157 | 更新時間:2023-03-05 | 點閱:505 | 下載:

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