Campus focus 2023-09-18

Chemical & Materials Engineering Dept. Explore Industry-Academia Collaboration with Senergy on Carbon Credit Trading

On August 28th, the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering signed an industry-academia collaboration agreement with Skwentex Energy Corp. (Senergy). Senergy generously provided NT$ 1 million in funding for a joint research project titled "Exploring Corporate Responses to the Initiation of Carbon Trading in Taiwan." The signing ceremony was attended by Dr. Cheng-Lan Lin, chair of the department at our university, and Mr. Jeffrey Chung, President of Senergy. Chairman Andy Chen of Senergy also graced the event with his presence. The seminar included participation from Distinguished Professor Chii-Dong Ho, Professor Trong-Ming Don, Professor Chao-Tsai Huang, and Associate Professor Yi-Wun Wang.

In this year-long collaboration project, our university will gather industry information, participate in seminars, engage in training courses, and complete professional certification programs to provide ample information within a specified timeframe. This will assist Senergy in clarifying the core concepts of achieving net-zero carbon emissions and offering practical and feasible method recommendations. These recommendations will serve as references for the company's future development of a net-zero carbon emissions strategy.

At the enthusiastic invitation of Mr. Ching-Le Chen, the first alumni of the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering and Golden Eagle awardee of Tamkang University, the Department Alumni Association's Treasurer, Mr. Chung-Jen Lin, and Department Chair, Dr. Cheng-Lan Lin, led a group of faculty members and alumni on a visit to the E. Textint Corp. and the Lize Factory in Yilan of Happy Yard Bio Corp. on August 31st. Following the tour and discussions, Ching-Le Chen generously hosted a gathering at a seafood restaurant in Nanfang'ao. The attendees included Distinguished Professor Chii-Dong Ho, Professors Tung-Wen Cheng, Hsuan-Fu Yu, Associate Professors Chao-Ching Chang, Yi-Wun Wang, as well as retired professors Cheng-Liang Chang and Gwo-Geng Lin. Honorary Chairman of the Department Alumni Association, Dr. Shui-Tein Chen, was also present. Everyone was highly impressed by Ching-Le Chen's business philosophy during the visit.


本報導連結 #SDG4優質教育 #SDG7可負擔的潔淨能源 #SDG17夥伴關係

NO.1168 | 更新時間:2023-09-18 | 點閱:575 | 下載:

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