Campus focus 2023-09-18

Welcome Meeting for Overseas New Students: Diverse Introductions & Warm Reminders

On the morning of September 6th, the Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs held the "Welcome Meeting for Overseas New Students for the Academic Year 2023" at the Chang Yeo Lan International Conference Hall, Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center. Over 350 overseas students from all around the world attended the event.

Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Hsiao-Chuan Chen, welcomed the overseas new students on behalf of the university. She then briefly explained various aspects of the university, including its history, motto, the "Three Objectives of Education," the "Three Circles of curricula”, “The Five Disciplines of Education", the eight essential qualities of students, international exchanges, information about futures education, student clubs, Chinese language learning, alumni connections, and services and counseling for overseas students. She concluded by wishing the overseas students success in their studies and a wonderful, enriching journey at Tamkang University.

The Counseling, Career Development and Learning Center, represented by counselors Wei Chen, Chen-Shan Yen, and Shang-Chin Tsai, disseminated cross-cultural adaptation and gender equality. They began by introducing various aspects of Taiwanese culture, including food, clothing, housing, transportation, student learning, and teaching by instructors. They reminded students about the possible reactions when facing different cultures and offered advice on how to cope and adjust. Subsequently, they discussed the importance of interpersonal relationships and emphasized the need for "respecting others while clearly expressing one's own intentions." Finally, they explained the significant regulations regarding gender equality in Taiwan. They also reminded students that if they encounter any uncomfortable situations or behaviors, they should promptly seek help from trusted teachers, classmates, or use the channels provided by the university to address the issue. A staff member of the English Department, Ellen Lin, presented information about the regulations and acceptance timelines for English credits waivers in the Foreign Languages and Literature field (Field Q).

Sergeant Zhe-Wei Sun from the New Taipei City Police Department publicized safety and anti-fraud awareness to students. He first provided emergency contact numbers such as 110, 113, and 165 for reporting incidents. He advised students to use these numbers when encountering situations off-campus. When reporting an incident, students were reminded to provide details about the location, describe the situation, and answer relevant questions. If needed, they could request English assistance. He then discussed fraud cases that have occurred in Taiwan and cautioned students to handle unfamiliar information with caution and avoid falling into traps. Additionally, he emphasized that marijuana is classified as a category one narcotic in Taiwan. Planting, transporting, selling, transferring, using, or possessing it is considered a criminal offense. He also mentioned that purchasing or bringing into Taiwan weight loss products containing the category four narcotic Sibutramine is prohibited by law, and violators will be prosecuted accordingly.

Finally, Dean of International Affairs, Dr. Chian-Mu Yeh, explained the functions of the International and Cross-Strait Exchange Section and the International and Mainland Students Guidance Section under the International Affairs Office. He introduced the team members responsible for these tasks. In addition to extending a warm welcome to international students, he also announced that various activities would be organized throughout the semester. He sincerely invited overseas students to actively participate in these activities to enrich their learning experiences.


本報導連結 #SDG3良好健康和福祉 #SDG4優質教育 #SDG11永續城市與社區 #SDG17夥伴關係

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