Campus focus 2024-03-26

Women’s Association General Assembly: 100+ Participants Celebrate International Women's Day

On March 8, the Women Faculty and Staff Association held the first meeting of its 15th General Assembly at the Chueh-Sheng International Conference Hall. Over a hundred members, including the Chairperson of Tamkang University, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, attended the event. In addition to providing a sumptuous lunch, each member was given a box of nutritious multigrain rice as a gift for International Women's Day.

At the meeting, scholarships were awarded by Chairperson Hsiao-Chuan Chen to Min-Xing Xiao from the Information and Library Science Department, Siao-Cing Huang from the Department of Economics, and Yiling Ye from the Department of Statistics. Following that, a review of various seminars and activities held during the 2023 academic year. This included the promotion of women's financial independence with the seminar “Women Should Have Money,” advocating for women's autonomy and the possibility of achieving economic stability. Additionally, there was the highly participated “Second-hand Clothing Sale,” which raised nearly NT$ 280,000 as scholarships. Dr. Chen expressed hope for the participation of more female faculty members to work together in contributing to the continuous improvement of Tamkang University.

Chairperson Chang emphasized in her speech that “there is no job that is only suitable for men or women,” encouraging colleagues to bravely advocate for their rights in the workplace. She also hoped everyone would remember to “be the most beautiful selves” while celebrating International Women's Day. Finally, participants played Bingo. Over a hundred red envelopes containing NT$500, NT$200, and NT$100 were prepared for colleagues to try their luck. The atmosphere was lively, with cheers, applause, and sighs blending together.


本報導連結 #SDG1消除貧窮 #SDG4優質教育 #SDG5性別平等 #SDG11永續城市與社區 #SDG17夥伴關係

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