Campus focus 2024-11-26

74th Anniversary Celebration Fun Games: Bridging Generations with Energy and Joy

The 74th Anniversary Sports Day was enthusiastically held on October 30, beginning at 9:30 a.m. on the 7th floor of the Shao-Mo Memorial Gymnasium. The event featured Elderly Fun Games and Physical Fitness Fun Games, with constant cheers and a lively atmosphere. However, the track and field events scheduled for the afternoon at the sports field were postponed due to heavy rain.

The Dean of Physical Education, Professor I-Cheng Chen noted that since the Elderly Sports Games began during the 70th Anniversary celebrations, the number of participating teams and individuals has increased annually. This year, 112 elderly participants registered, bringing energy and vibrancy to the intergenerational fun games. Despite disruptions caused by the typhoon, the preparation team overcame challenges to ensure the event's success. Prof. Chen reminded everyone to stay safe during the event and hoped participants would enjoy the activities while achieving excellent results and enhancing their health and vitality.

The Physical Fitness Fun Games featured 4 events: "Chaos Under Pressure," "Dragonfly Touching Water," "Explosive Nine-Square," and "Leaping 74." Among these, "Leaping 74" was the most challenging and iconic event. It required 2 participants to hold the rope while 6 others jumped together, testing team coordination. Some teams used rhythmic chants to synchronize their timing, significantly increasing their success rate. Ultimately, the "Tamkang Sharks" team claimed first place.

"Dragonfly Touching Water": This event tested strength and flexibility, with one participant placing hula hoops at a distance and their teammate jumping into them with both feet. Many teams strategically placed the hoops farther away to save time, and the "Tamkang Sharks" emerged victorious.

"Chaos Under Pressure" required 2 participants to carry a basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, and resistance ball simultaneously to a designated point and back. In addition to speed, participants needed to maintain physical stability. The "Tamkang Sharks" team ultimately claimed first place.

"Explosive Nine-Square": Participants threw 5 tennis balls at nine-square grid targets, with the highest total score winning. The "Amazing Team" secured the championship.

The "Tamkang Sharks," composed of swimming team members, won 3 golds and 1 silver in the competitions. They attributed their success to the teamwork and stamina developed through regular training.

The Elderly Fun Games, highly praised by participants, included 3 events: Two-Person One-Ball, Cross the Hoops, and Explosive Nine-Square, featuring the collaboration between elderly participants and students. Rankings were determined based on combined scores from the 3 events, with the "Shining Lele Team" taking first place, the "Silver Tamkang Team" second, and the "Eight Treasure Team" third.

Su-Zhen Yen, who participated in the Elderly Sports Games for the fifth time, expressed his joy in engaging in activities with students. He particularly enjoyed the "Explosive Nine-Square," which required precise throwing techniques. Jun-Bei Lin, a fourth-year student in transportation management, shared her experience: "This is my first time joining intergenerational fun games. The elderly participants were far more enthusiastic and energetic than I expected, showing a level of commitment that rivals that of university students."


本報導連結 #SDG3良好健康和福祉 #SDG4優質教育 #SDG17夥伴關係

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