Campus focus 2021-07-07

2021 “Global Views Monthly” magazine for “Taiwan’s Best University Rankings -No. 1 Private University in Liberal Arts, Law, and Business

“Global Views Monthly” magazine announced on June 29th in the "2021 Taiwan's Best University Rankings" survey, Tamkang University ranked No. 3 in the country in " Liberal Arts, Law, and Business," and No. 1 among private universities.

In this ranking, the university performed well in the six aspects of "Social Reputation," "Academic Achievements," "Teaching Performances," "Internationalization," "Industry-Academia Cooperation," and "Financial Fitness"; In terms of social prestige, academic achievement, and the internationalization level, TKU has entered the top 30 ranking within the country, and the internationalization level ranked No. 4 in the country, and it is also the No. 1 in private universities; On the "Number of Teaching Practice Research Projects of the Ministry of Education" for the evaluation of detailed indicators of teaching performances, Tamkang won first place with 36 items and the detailed indicators of the degree of internationalization ranked No. 1 in the country with 1,306 students in the "Number of Students Studying All Foreign Languages, Departments, and Degree Programs," surpassing other college and universities more than 3 times, indicating that the teaching results in English are extremely successful.

Results were given by the “Global Views Monthly” Magazine Public Opinion Research Survey, and the university appraisal is carried out in six major aspects, from the Ministry of Education's Colleges and Universities Affairs Information Website, Taiwan Humanities and Social Sciences Citation Index Database, Academia Sinica, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, etc. As a data source, the data coverage period is mainly based on the 2021 survey data and the 2020 statistics. Some items are included within the 5-year data evaluation (2016~2020) to reflect the deferred fermentation effect of the index. The index statistical method is to standardize the raw data of each university for each detailed item with T allocation, and then calculate the weight of each item by adding it up, then ranking it.


本報導連結 #SDG4優質教育 #SDG17夥伴關係

NO.1126 | 更新時間:2021-07-07 | 點閱:1171 | 下載:

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