Campus focus 2021-07-07

2021 AIGO Problem Solving Competition Dr. Chih-Yung Chang and the Inter-University Team Obtained 7 More Cases

Professor Chih-Yung Chang, Professor Kuei-Ping Shih of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Professor Shih-Jung Wu of the English Bachelor Program of the Department of Innovative Information and Technology, Professor Wen-Hua Liao, Director of the Institute of Information and Decision Sciences from the National Taipei University of Business, and Professor Gwo-Jong Yu of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering from the Aletheia University, formed an inter-university team and participated in the "2021 Annual AI Industry Practical Application Talent Refining Project-Talent Problem Solving Competition," sponsored by the Bureau of Economics and Industry (AIGO competition for short), successfully obtained 7 cases from the 231 available cases. Each case approved a finalist prize of 150,000 NTD, totaling 1.05 million. The inter-university team won the award again, and this year has been recognized by the jury for three consecutive years. Dr. Chih-Yung Chang said that he is very happy to lead the students to use AI technology to propose related solutions for the industry with the inter-university team. The team members also brainstormed and proposed various AI problem-solving technical frameworks and steps to assist enterprises in developing AI innovation application services which enabled students to meet industrial needs and cultivate AI application talents.

The competition was divided into "Computer Vision A," "Computer Vision B," "Data Analysis," and "Natural Language,” a total of 3 categories and 4 rounds of group reviews. The review is aimed at the solutions of the participating teams to the industry, based on the past performance of the team members. After the written review of “Problem Solving Work Configuration,” “Problem Comprehension,” “Problem Solving Technical Framework and Steps,” “Problem Solving Progress Planning and Arrangement,” and “Expected Results and Benefits,” etc., enters the briefing review, Dr. Chih-Yung Chang explained that he is currently receiving the finalist bonus, and then he will enter the industry to carry out the actual problem-solving plan. Once the enterprise solves the problem, each case will provide a bonus of 150,000 NTD for solving the problem. "The 7 cases not only led students to the practical application of theory and in addition to practice, but it also accumulates the AI practice experience of all team members."

This year, the number of problem-solving teams participating has increased compared to the past, with 16 finalists for the Computer Vision A session, 16 finalists for the Computer Vision B session, 12 finalists for the Natural Language session, and 16 finalists for the data analysis session, a total of 60 nominating award-winning problem-solving ideas in the 4 sessions, 171 unrecognized cases, the pass rate is about 26.0%. Our university won 1 case in "Computer Vision A," 2 cases in "Data Analysis," and 4 cases in "Natural Language." A total of 7 cases were nominated. Dr. Chih-Yung Chang teamed up with "AI Causes" to solve the problem of "Intelligent Type" within the industry. “Business site selection” and “Using natural language to automatically convert budget analysis requirements into SQL query syntax”; Dr. Shih-Jung Wu’s “AIGOing” team will solve the problem of “Predicting group tour formation rate through AI model” and “Applying natural language technology to correct English translation"; Dr. Wen-Hua Liao led members of "AI Titans" to provide "AI automatic story writing system"; Dr. Gwo-Jong Yu led "馬訓冷凝" to propose "Applying AI to the area (YongFu Road and ChongXiao Street, Qidu District) and monitoring with early warnings to the numbers of stray dogs" and the "Semantic Robot Collection Data Search System" solutions.

Dr. Chih-Yung Chang thanked the university for its support and pointed out that he will continue to lead students and inter-university teams to contribute to the enterprise AI upgrade.


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