Campus focus 2023-01-05

World's Top 2% Scientists, TKU Ranks First in Non-Medical Private Schools for Two Consecutive Years

According to the official website of the internationally renowned publisher Elsevier, the team at Stanford University in the United States released the latest "World's Top 2% Scientists 2022" in October, with a total of 1,592 Taiwanese scholars on the list. 23 from TKU are listed in the Most Influential (Career Impact) Ranking (1960-2021), an improvement from the 21 announced last year. TKU ranks first on the non-medical private school list for two consecutive years.

President Huan-Chao Keh stated that the university has made progress in various world academic rankings this year, demonstrating its soft power. TKU positions itself as a “teaching university that values research”, and this year, 434 academic journal research papers have been approved for research awards for full-time faculty, with an estimated NT$18 million in faculty research award to be issued. In the future, the school will give more rewards for faculty research achievements and encourage the implementation of teaching and research.

The list was compiled by Stanford University based on the world's largest citation abstract database, Scopus, selecting the top 2% of scientists from almost 9 million scientists and covering 22 major disciplines and 176 sub-fields. It is divided into two lists: Top 2% Scientists (Career Impact) (1960-2022) List and 2021 Top 2% Most Influential Scientists (Single Year) List. In addition to the 23 scholars from TKU named in Top 2% Scientists (Career Impact) (1960-2022) List, 16 were included in 2021 Top 2% Most Influential Scientists (Single Year) List. Totally 28 (non-repeated) researchers from the faculty, students and alumni of Tamkang were listed. The record is more brilliant than last year.


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