Campus focus 2023-03-05

TKU Goodwill Ambassador Celebrating the 25th Anniversary with Achievements Exhibition

TKU Goodwill Ambassador held its 25th anniversary celebration and exhibition of achievements at the Black Swan Exhibition Room from February 20th to 24th. The opening ceremony was held on the 20th. President Huan-Chao Keh, Academic Vice President Hui-Huang Hsu, Dean of Student Affairs Shi-Hjong Wu, and many other first and second-level supervisors attended the event.

Leader and junior student of Department of Accounting, Wei-Chi Fan, stated that in the Goodwill Ambassador, besides receiving solid basic training courses to improve her etiquette and elegance, she also had multiple opportunities to exercise in important occasions, gradually improving her style and expanding her horizons. She also realized the beauty of teamwork and feedback to the campus. These experiences were all nutrients for her rapid growth. "This group celebration lets everyone understand the rich and colorful life of Goodwill Ambassadors, and I hope that more people will join us to form a shining starry sky, light up themselves, and shine on others. We will have a recruitment event on March 2nd, and everyone is welcome to sign up enthusiastically."


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