Campus focus 2023-04-24

Physics Department Visits an Alumnus, Chairman Wei Been Yu at iST

Dean Tzenge-Lian Shih of the College of Science, Dean of Research and Development Hung-Chung Hsueh, Chair of Department of Physics Cheng-Hao Chuang, and 6 faculty members from Physics department visited the Chairman of Integrated Services Technology Inc., Mr. Wei Been Yu, a physics department alumnus, together on March 22nd. iST is a laboratory for verification and analysis of electronic industry (chip doctor), providing IC debugging, analysis, quality assurance, and serving as a R&D partner for customers to speed-up the time to market. The company has more than 1000 employees.

Dr. Hung-Chung Hsueh introduced the Research and Development Office of our school as "assisting in the research of industry-academia collaborations and creating sustainable highlights". Dr. Cheng-Hao Chuang then presented the characteristics and future development of our school's physics department, expressing his gratitude to alumnus Wei Been Yu for listening to the academic highlights of our physics department and ideas for future collaborations in just 2 short hours. In particular, he mentioned that Chairman Yu treats the Tamkang physics department as family and is willing to focus on talent cultivation and trial future collaborative projects. The physics department hopes to continue close contact with iST and seek collaborative projects.

Mr. Yu said, "I have benefited a lot during my time studying at Tamkang University and I spare no effort in giving back to my alma mater." He pointed out that iST has provided scholarships to Tamkang University for many years and donated advanced materials analysis equipment to the school, hoping to help more students. At the same time, Mr. Yu also encouraged Tamkang faculty and students to engage in deeper industry-academia collaborations with iST and jointly publish academic papers.

Ms. Judy Chen, Vice President of Administrative Division at iST, stated, "iST will work together with Tamkang University to contribute to the academic community and cultivate more outstanding students and talents." Mr. Yu further stated that Tamkang students are very welcome to join iST and that teachers are also welcome to recommend talents. He emphasized that "being eager to learn" and "being responsible" are the basic requirements for iST's recruitment. In the future, they will assist the alma mater with a family-like attitude for feedback.

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本報導連結 #SDG4優質教育 #SDG8尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #SDG9產業創新與基礎設施 #SDG17夥伴關係

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