Campus focus 2024-05-29

2024 EduRank World's Best University Rankings: Tamkang University Tops Non-Medical Private Schools

According to the newly emerging university ranking institution, the "World's Best University Rankings" announced on February 29, 2024, Tamkang University ranks 12th among 144 universities in Taiwan, ranking first among non-medical private schools; globally, Tamkang ranks 1,079th. In terms of academic fields, Tamkang University excels particularly in economics and business, ranking at the top among private schools in Taiwan.

In the rankings by subject, Tamkang University demonstrates its strength in Economics and Business, ranking first among private schools domestically in both areas. In Mathematics, Tamkang stands as the top non-medical private school. In the field of Computer Science, it ranks 14th. is an emerging ranking institution. Its rankings are based on credible online databases and actual information from university websites, among other sources. It ranks 14,131 universities from 183 countries globally, focusing on regions and subject areas. The rankings are based on 3 categories of indicators: academic performance (journal publications and paper citations), accounting for 45%; non-academic performance (university website enrollment information and link influence), accounting for 45%; and alum influence, accounting for 10%.


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NO.1183 | 更新時間:2024-05-29 | 點閱:62 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-06-24 17:04:21
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