Campus focus 2023-04-11

The Spring Feast Invites Alumni to Homecoming Flower Appreciation and Picnic

On March 18th, the Tamkang University Alumni Association Headquarters of Departments and the Office of Alumni Service and Resources Development jointly organized the 2023 "Spring Feast" on Tamsui Campus. The event included the presentation of awards to 53 outstanding alumni and the recognition of 55 alumni and companies for their donations. Starting at noon, each department set up their own unique features at the University Commons and Poster Street, combining with the event's theme. Alumni were invited to have a picnic on the lawn with sustainable market sharing of delicious food. They could also enjoy exciting performances from student clubs. Faculty, students, and alumni enjoyed a lively and warm campus picnic.

During the award ceremony, President Huan-Chao Keh expressed gratitude to the alumni for their long-term feedback and support, which has enabled the school to achieve sustainable development. In 2023, the school has improved its rankings in various world university rankings such as THE, QS, US News & World Report, compared to 2022. This year, the school also ranked first among private schools in the GVM Magazine and Cheers Magazine's evaluations of the most favored graduates by businesses. In the future. The school will prioritize ESG and carry out carbon reduction research projects, with the goal of becoming a fully cloud-based smart campus and promoting sustainable development.

Chairperson Flora Chia-I Chang welcomed everyone back to the alma mater to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms and azaleas. In the fifth wave of "Transcending Period", the most important thing is to have more cooperation with alumni. She also praised the excellent performance of the alumni, not only in their personal lives but also in their careers, which is impressive. Finally, she showed off a belt with the symbol of "∞", announcing the good news that the school has obtained the registered trademark of "AI+SDGs=∞", to inform alumni about it.

President of Tamkang University Worldwide Alumni Association, Mr. Chin-Tsai Chen responded with a smile to Chairperson Chang's remarks, "Tamkang students are not only good at playing, but also talented in both pen and sword." He emphasized that the alumni association is for uniting alumni, supporting the school to face various challenges and achieve sustainable development. At the same time, he invited everyone to actively participate in the biennial conference to be held in Indonesia in August.

After the event, the alumni gathered at the third-floor hallway of Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center, where they were guided by the director of the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center, Mr. Ben-Hang Chang, to view 3 precious calligraphy and painting works donated by Chairperson Chang, including a piece written by the contemporary calligraphy master You-Ren Yu to the Founder Clement C.P. Chang, a landscape painting by Shen Zhou, one of the Four Masters of the Ming dynasty, brought back from the mainland by Chairperson Chang's grandfather Mr. Ming Chang (styled Ching-Sheng), and a portrait painting by Huang Shen, one of the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou in the Qing dynasty. Afterwards, everyone moved to the University Commons to participate in the "Homecoming Picnic Fun", which kicked off with performances by the Dance Club, Guitar Club, Hip-Hop Club, and Western Music Club. There were 16 booths set up by various departments and alumni, including the Chinese Department's live calligraphy and painting works, the International Business Department's sale of jewelry and bread, and 6 departments of the Foreign Language College showcasing their special snacks. The International Business Department also donated all of its profits to Ukraine, which attracted many generous donors. Everyone also voted for their favorite booths in the special booth selection, with the Department of Business Management ultimately winning first place, followed by the Accounting Department and the French Department in second and third place, respectively.


本報導連結 #SDG3良好健康和福祉 #SDG4優質教育 #SDG12負責任的消費與生產 #SDG17夥伴關係

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