【Reported by Yu-xuan Li, Tamkang Times】Tamkang University’s graduation ceremony took place on Saturday in the Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium and 3000 people came to express their congratulations to the graduating students. Also in attendance was President Flora Chia-I Chang, the 3 vice presidents and deans of each department. Also invited was Ambassador of the Republic of Kiribati, Teekoa Luta, and President of the Board of the Alumni Association, Zhao-shen Chen, to give inspirational speeches. This year’s graduation ceremony was a bit unconventional containing music videos and films by the Student Association that magically captured four years of study at Tamkang University. It also served as an encouragement for students to be critical thinkers as they bring new innovations and ideas into the career world.
3社團獲全國獎 張校長同切蛋糕慶賀