【Tamkang TImes】In order to make the 66th anniversary of Tamkang University a special one, the Event Preparatory Committee held a conference in the Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall. Lanyang and Taipei Campus attended the meeting via video conference. The Event Preparatory Committee Director and President of the University, Flora Chia-I Chang was in attendance and invited Director of the Tamkang University Worldwide Federation, Dr. Loo Soon, Director of the TKU Alumni Association, Ding-chuan Chen and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the TKU Retiree Alumni Association, Yun-shan Lin.
教育政策與領導研究所 歡慶耶誕
社團19講師 北極星21TA受聘
淡江電視臺30年 回味珍貴畫面
臺灣山岳展23日開幕 看見山林生態
【留學傳真】脫離舒適圈 郭彥岑赴陸圓夢