【Xin-yu Wang, Tamsui Campus Report】In order to create a friendly, effective and future-oriented learning environment, Tamkang University created the first “Innovative Imagination Futuristic Classroom” in the Ching-sheng building room 1201. On Dec. 12 the Graduate Institute of Future Studies held a ceremony, unveiling the new room while giving a demonstration of its capabilities. The modern classroom allows interactive learning through the support of cloud and media player technology to give a glimpse of current and projected global trends. By utilizing the technical and digital tools to understand and analyze the possibilities of future development, TKU students will be able to get a head start in their careers.
【記者李昱萱專訪】一通越洋電話採訪安歆達國際集團(ASCENDA GROUP)董事長阮蘇有,立即獲得爽快的答應。「沒關係!妳盡量問,我就盡量答。」親和力盡顯其中,他無私藏的分享個人豐厚的人生閱歷及職場成就,大學因實習進入職場後,事業版圖一路拓展至全球,跨領域統籌能力受外界肯定,之後出任美國唯冠科技(Proview)、華孚集團(Waffer)、中強公司(CTX)執行長,此外,更受聘為美國惠普、摩托羅拉、臺灣寶成、中國海爾及聯想等國際企業的顧問。
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